Celebrating "Gene the Machine" & Volunteer Appreciation Week!
Farm Manager Josh Sattin, volunteers Rob and Gene (left to right)
For those of you following our Farm Manager Josh Sattin’s YouTube Channel, there is one stalwart volunteer who appears in practically every scene that takes place on the Farm. You’ll find him sporting very dapper farm attire and engaged in any manner of digging, hauling, chipping, mulching, repairing, planting, fixing, constructing and more. Gene (often fondly referred to as “Gene the Machine” on YouTube) turned up on the very first workday on February 1st, and his red Ford Expedition and trailer have been parked at the Farm nearly every day since.
Farm Manager Josh Sattin and volunteer, Gene, overseeing the production area leveling
He is an invaluable member of the Farm Team, and we owe him our debt of gratitude.
We celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Week during April 19-25 and salute Gene and the countless volunteers who are working “on the ground” or “behind the scenes” to keep Raleigh City Farm growing strong and our mission alive and well.
Here’s to Gene and our awesome crew of volunteers!